Crate fyrox_dylib

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A crate that allows using Fyrox as a dynamically linked library. It could be useful for fast prototyping, that can save some time on avoiding potentially time-consuming static linking stage.

The crate just re-exports everything from the engine, and you can use it as Fyrox. To use the crate all you need to do is re-define fyrox dependency in your project like so:

version = "0.1.0"
registry = "fyrox-dylib"
package = "fyrox-dylib"

You can also use the latest version from git:

git = ""
package = "fyrox-dylib"


  • Resource management
  • UI scaling is important, so read the docs for this module if you don’t want to be confused.
  • Engine is container for all subsystems (renderer, ui, sound, resource manager). It also creates a window and an OpenGL context.
  • The Event enum and assorted supporting types.
  • The EventLoop struct and assorted supporting types, including ControlFlow.
  • Fx Hash
  • Animation allows you to change properties of arbitrary objects at runtime using a set of key frames. See Animation docs for more info.
  • Graph utilities and common algorithms.
  • Extendable, retained mode, graphics API agnostic UI library with lots (35+) of built-in widgets, HiDPI support, rich layout system and many more.
  • Types related to the keyboard.
  • A macro for declaring lazily evaluated statics.
  • Material is a set of parameters for a shader. This module contains everything related to materials.
  • Types useful for interacting with a user’s monitors.
  • Contains traits with platform-specific methods in them.
  • Everything related to plugins. See Plugin docs for more info.
  • Utilities for random number generation
  • Interoperability library for Rust Windowing applications.
  • Renderer is a “workhorse” of the engine, it draws scenes (both 3D and 2D), user interface, debug geometry and has an ability to add user-defined render passes. Current renderer implementation is not very flexible, but should cover 95% of use cases.
  • Everything related to resources.
  • Contains all structures and methods to create and manage 3D scenes.
  • Script is used to add custom logic to scene nodes. See ScriptTrait for more info.
  • Texture Block Compression
  • Utilities module provides set of commonly used algorithms.
  • Crate walkdir provides an efficient and cross platform implementation of recursive directory traversal. Several options are exposed to control iteration, such as whether to follow symbolic links (default off), limit the maximum number of simultaneous open file descriptors and the ability to efficiently skip descending into directories.
  • The Window struct and associated types.
